It's that time of year again; Chinese New Year has passed and our teas continue to age! We try to keep our prices stable, however as our teas age and as the Puer market changes, we alter our prices each year to reflect those changes. The good news is that the changes will not take effect until February 21st, so there is still time to stock up! This year, the following teas will have the most significant change in price*: 2015 Pin, 2015 If You're Reading This It's 2 Late, 2015 Little Walk, 2015 MC&A, 2014 White2Tea New Amerykah, 2009 Yiwu Raw Puer, 2007 White2Tea Repave, 2005 Naka, 2001 Big Red Mark Jia Ji
*price changes may affect other teas, but these teas will see the most significant changes