2016 Censers

A 2016 white tea from Guizhou province, which was aged in Guizhou and pressed into cakes spring 2019.*

This tea exhibits aged qualities; dark smoothness and a sweet base with medicinal aromas. The 2016 Censers has a complex fragrance that endures throughout a long session, lingering in the mouth and the cups long after the tea has gone. The fragrances and flavors shift between dark stone fruits and herbal medicines from steep to steep. This tea has a remarkably different character depending on brewing parameters. Lighter weight and fast steep times emphasize the sweetness, whereas a heavy hand brings out the thick bodied dark flavors.

Each cake is 200g.

The dates on the original boxes was actually 2013, but the producer said to the best of his recollection it was in fact from spring 2016, so we went with the later date. The true age is anybody's guess, but it was pressed with age on it.
